Friday, July 31, 2009

Visual C# Game Development...?

Where can I find a tutorial (better to be a video tutorial) that teaches how to develop games using Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition?

Visual C# Game Development...?

Mainly Text:

Best PC Game Dev site:

I don't think its as easy as just watching a video!

I have the official Microsoft Visual C# book to help me!

Microsoft do have videos on their site I think, I prefer reading from paper though. To be able to teach you how to do games programming in a video, I reckon the video is going to be a few hours long!

Good luck though, Ant...

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PIC programming in C language?

Any web giving free basic tutorial for learning basics of PIC programming using language "C"

PIC programming in C language?
Check out the vendor website for application notes... Also forums are a great source of help.

IAR systems offeres a free compiler (the workbench edition) I used their version for AVR micros and was quite pleased with it. The AVR workbench edition for AVR was limited to a 4K compile and did not have loating point math libraries. (THe full version is not limited) I do not know exactly what limits IAR would place on the workbench edition for Microchip PIC's.

Visual c++?

i have had absolutely no experience of programming. every tutorial i find is for people with programming experience. I have the microsoft visual c++ express edition but i can't find a good tutorial. If someone could provide a link to one i would be forever grateful

Visual c++? tutorial - Excellent tutorial for learning C++ from the basic level. Highly recommended

Bruce Eckels Mindview - Also an excellent site for learning C++, mostly because of the freely downloadable Thinking in C++ in 2 volumes. These are some of the best explanations of the C++ language, but definitely at a more advanced level. Books are available here tutorial - another good site for C++ programming tutorials. They are not quite as methodical as the tutorials, but they are very useful.

MSDN for C++ - Microsoft's site for the Visual Studio 2005 C++ compiler that we use in this class.

C++ Links from Bjarne Stroustrup - This is a collection of links about C++ that is maintained by the originator of C++ (who now teaches at Texas A%26amp;M)
Reply:Great tuorial
Reply:With absolutely no programming experience you may want to get a good book on basic C++ programming ( I find it easier to work from books rather than Web sites/online tutorials etc.)

Its been so long since I read any of them though ?I can't think of a good one - But recently I bought c++ for dummies which is good both for the basics and more advanced features in the language. Good reference book
Reply:Try here for info

Try here for info
Reply: is a good site.

I highly recommend getting a book. You have no idea how bad an idea it is to solely rely on the web, especially if you have 0 programming experience.

Take a look at

The organization reviews books for technical accuracy. You'll notice there's a lot of bad books that get good reviews on Amazon (they are wrong technically). There's two good ones I recommend: C++ primer by Lippman and Accelerated C++ by Koenig. Accelerated C++ is pretty fast in pace and is probably more suited if you have prior experience, so perhaps C++ primer is a better choice for you.

Please do *not* go for Visual C++ specific tutorials. Unlike generic C++ tutorials, they are designed to work specifically with Visual C++ only. You won't understand and learn C++ properly, you won't learn programming properly.

C++ books & onlinetutorial?

Iam finding difficult in learning c++ programming?

will anyone tell me the book which is easy 2 read %26amp; pls tell me the free online tutorial

if possible also suggest books easy to learn c++, available in india

C++ books %26amp; onlinetutorial?
you can download limewire from and then search for c++ in the documents search box and then it will bring tons of books for c++.
Reply:you can get lots of books online..

i will suggest you even better..

register on a site called

There you can find links to anything you want.

Search in the search column and enjoy

reading and all kinds of stuff.
Reply:I'd like to suggest:

This websites has a lot of links to free C/C++ resources on the internet.In addition, you mak also like to see these sites:
Reply:the best place to buy programming books, or any type of tech / academic book is
Reply:there are various books available for c++like "TEACH YOURSELF" by Hebet Schildt(Best book to learn c++),Programming with c++by E Balaguruswamy.

What is a popular c++ program and were can i learn about it?

ok so i wanna know what a popular affective c++ program is and i would like to know were i can get help on how to use it and it would'nt sound super complicated though i know a little about c++. i mean like a guide or something r tutorial to just get the basics and stuff or something?

What is a popular c++ program and were can i learn about it?
Open, many parts of Windows OS, KDE, Google, Yahoo! are some that use C++ heavily.

You will be able to get the KDE, sources over the Internet.

Look at for projects that use C++.
Reply:Here is a site full of tutorials.
Reply:Try this site, it's great.

buy flowers

I am looking for a tutorial material for windows application programming using C#?

I want it under the .NET framework %26amp; I want it as an MP file.

I am looking for a tutorial material for windows application programming using C#?

check out this website for C# tutorials
Reply:Will here is your link mate;q=p...
Reply:Checkout the below mentioned resources

There is one book i thought you'll find worthy

1. Windows Forms Programming in C# - Chris Sells

What is an online tutorial that will allow me to learn C++ and tell me EXACTLY what tools I need?

mail me and i will give you free ebook that will help you

subject should be "c++ book"

What is an online tutorial that will allow me to learn C++ and tell me EXACTLY what tools I need?
You may not find all the info you need at one site, but i suggest you google how to c++ and go through each site gathering the info you're looking for. Good luck on you quest.

I need C++ Help?

OK, so i wanted to write C++ on OSX. Someone told me to install Xcode, so I did. I opened it up, opened up a new C++ file, and typed a simple program from a tutorial. However, I can't compile it! The menu option for compile is grayed out (in fact all of the build tools are). Why can't I compile it?

Sorry, I have never programmed before (i have only done web design and XML; and a one-week crash course in computer class on C programming). In computer class we had a program (Borlan C or something) where we typed in our code, pressed compile, and ran the programs. That is the extent of my knowledge. Why won't Xcode let me do that, and how do I get it to let me?!?


I need C++ Help?
you get it from the second disk in an os x package or it's on the BIG dvd as an extra install!

if you don't mind downloading extra stuff, you can get your c compiler here
Reply:I guess you didn't install a compiler like gcc for example. Xcode doesn't come with a prebuilt compiler so you must install it afterwards.

Gcc is included with Xcode Tools so installing this should fix it.
Reply:"However, I can't compile it! The menu option for compile is grayed out (in fact all of the build tools are). Why can't I compile it?"

Probably because you didn't install the build tools. Xcode is just an IDE. That is, a nice environment for you type code and have it compiled for you. The actual compilation is done by the compiler.

I don't use Macs, but IIRC you should have a CD or set of CDs from Apple with developer tools on them. Install whatever is relevant to C++. It should be Gcc, gdb, the C++ libraries, etc.

"n computer class we had a program (Borlan C or something) where we typed in our code, pressed compile, and ran the programs. "

Yeah, basically they taught you nothing about C++.

How to draw the circle or ellipse with help of Turbo c /c++?

I'm specifically looking for the turbo c++ 3.0 ?Is there any site where tutorial is there?

How to draw the circle or ellipse with help of Turbo c /c++?
You can get the tutorial from the

There are lot of turbo c++ turoials on the site.You can also download the turbo c++ form the site:

Hope this helps.
Reply:In turbo c/c++ there is Graphics.h header file which provides functions for a wide varity of shapes , design and colors.

U can use circle(x,y,rad)(x and y are center's co-ordinate ) to draw.

Others are , ellipse, arc, rectangle,pie chart, line , Pixel, and many more.

Even there is inbuilt help programs. To get them see help of turbo c/c++.

(Just right click in tc window , u will see a list ,select graphics.h and u will see all the functions available there with details, and example


Psp programming using c++ help!!!?

I want to start making psp homebrews using c++. and i made one already from a tutorial that told you howo to do it but didnt tell you the language. im completely stuck and dont know were to go and learn this language. anyone can direct me it would be great

Psp programming using c++ help!!!?
You can learn c++ from anywhere they have cheap books in bookstores and like heres some tutorials
Reply:I suggest going to the bookstore and picking up a book. They are really helpful

What should the next step be for game programming in C++?

I've learned the basics of C++ and have made some simple games, such as Tic-Tac-Toe, but I want to learn how to program graphics in the games. I've tried to learn Directx, but all of the books I've read are way too complex like I missed a step in learning game programming. Does anybody have a suggestion or know any other books or tutorials that could help me out?

What should the next step be for game programming in C++?
I'd suggest downloading a copy of the C++ version of Visual Studio Express (it's free) and start writing some windows applications. There are plenty of books on the topic, and a huge amount of free information and demos on the web. Start learning to draw primitive (lines, shapes, images) using GDI pens, brushes etc. Learn how to eliminate flicker by drawing things to a bitmap and then drawing that bitmap on the screen in one go (google "double buffering"). Next try simple animations i.e. moving the objects around on the screen. Finally learn how to read the mouse, keyboard and joystick.

It might sound like a lot to learn, but there's plenty of info on the net to help you, and once you how to do these things you'll be able to develop a huge range of 2D games.

Once you feel ready to take the plunge into 3D I'd suggest downloading the C# version of Visual Studio Express and a copy of XNA. C# is very similar to C++ but much, much easier and faster to develop for. XNA is Microsoft's game development library, it takes care of all the usual headaches of DirectX so that you can concentrate on the game itself. Plus it has plenty of support and examples to help get you started. It'll also allow you to write games for both PC and the XBox 360.
Reply:You might want to consider some university courses. To understand graphics, especially 3D graphics, you need to understand linear algebra and matrices.

When you have a good grasp of the underlying math, the purposes of the functions and data structures will be more clear.

Are there any certification exams for c/c++ without any learning courses attached with it ?

i alredy have the knowledge of c and c++.

I don't want to join any tutorial type classes , rather i want to just give a certification exam.

Are there any certification exams for c/c++ without any learning courses attached with it ?
why are you asking a computer programming question in the Special Ed section?
Reply:there are exams for c and c++ from state technical board.

Other option can be NIIT prometric center.
Reply:yeah there are Microsoft Certification Programes called MCP u can get these from NIIT.... These are international certifications
Reply:Look...You can take the microsoft exam, but those are EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... Hard. You can obtain copied test papers in PDF format and try them.

For C++/C, Download DarkSDK with Visual C++ and test your skills in game developing...cause publishing a game will make you more extreme than any stupid certificate. Mention in your CV that you create your own games in c++ (just for fun), and DAMN!!! Job offers come fast.

C++ design questions?

I'm new to C++ and have been learning through a online tutorial, and am familiar with basic programs and variable and arrays, but i was wondering how to design the program such as adding labels, textboxes, and buttons. I see the toolbox to do this but dont know the codes or anything I have however done this before with vb i dont know if that will help.

C++ design questions?
The MFC has a GUI code generator.
Reply:If you have a toolbox, just select the button or whatever and then place it on the screen. Right click will probably give you the option to select "Properties" where you can set name and click event handler. It will generate to code for you. I can;t be more specific because you don't tell what brand of IDE you are using.


What's a good video of a c-walking (a.k.a, crip walk)tutorial, or how can I learn to C-walk?

I know a bit of this walk, and I'd really like to learn much more. I'd like to know where I can find out how to do more steps to this walk.

What's a good video of a c-walking (a.k.a, crip walk)tutorial, or how can I learn to C-walk?
Reply:try and search for c-walk in the search.
Reply:Really Easy, Just go to and type this in the url "kyren tutorial" I learned quickly.. has pretty much everything from crank dat soulja boy to crip walking to dutty wine, etc.

So, I'd check that out.

C# Programming Games Tutuorial (Visual Studio 2008, Direct X 10)?

I was curious if anyone knew where I can find a decent tutorial, book, or guide for how to program simple 3d games in C# code using visual studio 2008 express and directX 10. The tutorial need not be for absolute beginners to C#, but preferably not too esoteric. I can locate a fair amount for previous years, but, while not much has changed between visual studio 2005 and 2008 (though some stuff has), there is a huge difference between directX 10 and directX 9. If anyone knows where I can find a guide or tutorial for this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

C# Programming Games Tutuorial (Visual Studio 2008, Direct X 10)?
I have 2008 if you go in the program and register on the bottom it says getting started. Click on beginner developer learning center and it brings you to videos on how to do stuff. After that you browse around and learn.

Which programming skills do I need to know to program something like an Internet casino (in C/C++ or C#)?

I don't gamble online, but I'm interested in learning the technologies, knowledge and skills required to make a network applications like chats, online video grames, netmeeting and the like.

I'm an autodidact and already know C/C++, C# and Java but I've done little programs so far, now I want to apply it to some interest project.

Which progamming language is better?

Online tutorials and resources.


Web sites and online communities.

Learning path.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Which programming skills do I need to know to program something like an Internet casino (in C/C++ or C#)?
I've found learning by doing a great way to study programming. In other words write something small, then build on what you learned. Here, I'd start with just a web site that permits sign-ups but provides no serivces. That's difficult enough to implement for starters.

C/C++ are overkill for what you're talking about. C# and Java are more appropriate. If you want a highly reliable and secure system you probably want to use Linux which largely excludes C#.

This leaves you with Java which is a common choice for implementing online systems.

Another option is Python (my personal favorite), which - together with mod_python for Apache - provides great performance and may be all you need.

For a database back-end you'll want PostgreSQL (free) or mySQL (commercial license).

For the actual user front end you'll most likely want to use Flash, which is an entire development environment of its own.

You can find online tutorials for all of the above on Google.

How to develop telecom billing software using

I have to develop a billing software for a telecom company. The technology Iam would like to choose is Can anyone tell me more about this. I mean what protocols must I get connected for automatic call billing, call termination. Please give me guidance or refer me any tutorials on this subject. Thank you in advance

How to develop telecom billing software using
A monumental task!

Hope yur not the sole programmer.

I recommend staying with standard C or Cobol

A comprehensive telecom billing system will atke you years to write.


How can i create games using C# and 3d application like maya?How can i combine those two?

I want to create 3d games like Half-life2 and Sim City.I know creating game is very hard work.I am just 17 years old and i am learning C#.I also want to buy some sort of 3d application to create character and model and some animatjon,too.But i don't know how to combine the character created with maya with codes i wrote in visual studio.any ideas?What application i should use to create games like quake4.I know Quake 4 is created by many professional but i am alone.I bought Visual Studio 2005,Maya 8.5,Poser 7 and 3dstudio max 9.I know it is wasting money but i have strong will to create industrian standatd games.Can you help me to find some tutorials and some free e-books like "beginning directx 9".

How can i create games using C# and 3d application like maya?How can i combine those two?
blender 3d has a built in game engine and its free. but it uses python for scripting though.
Reply:I can't help you with free, but check out Amazon and you'll find a book called "Game Programming for Teens" which may fit the bill. They have demo software packages that will help.

I have decided to go with C+ programing, but what stuff do I need for it?

I want to make a game that works on windows or some sort of program so I decided to learn C+, but I am a complete beginner. I don't know any thing about programing. I need to know what stuff( that I can get for free) I need and what tutorials( that I can get for free) for beginners there are.

I have decided to go with C+ programing, but what stuff do I need for it?
is called C++, and if it is your first programing language, you should know that it requires some patience to get the idea...


you could just type c++ tutorial in google, there are TONS of them, here is one

a compiler and a "program" to write your code in: Dev C++, is pretty simple and easy to use:
Reply:trust me, it will take you a good long while before you can be game programming in c++

and c++ is not generally recomended as a first language, nor is windows programming is good for stuff to read, is a great place to learn a useful language good for starting, is a great place to find everything, dev c++ is a great c++ compiler, and microsoft visual c++ can be useful at times also

so many pple think they will start programming becuz it seems like itd be cool to make games and then they try and cant get it and quit, but good luck anyways lol
Reply:You need a compiler. I strongly recommend Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Or you can use gcc or Dev C++.

Also, it is better to go to a bookstore and pick a good book to practice your programming with. Some good books are "Learning how to program in C++" by deitel or "C++ Primer."
Reply:you can try Robert Lafore's book on C++ it is very easy. Of course a TC++/BC++ compiler VC++ also fine.

My PSP 3.03 OE-C wont play newer games? Help?

got a psp with 3.03 oe-c firmware and suddenly newer games dont work. probally need to update its firmware to a newer custom firmware im thinking, but was wondering if anyone on here had some suggestions or tutorials on what i should do to fix this problem first. anyone that can help me out with this would be a great help. thank you.

My PSP 3.03 OE-C wont play newer games? Help?
i know whats wrong, same thing happend to me, you gota go to recovery menuw and disable and enable some things, if you want to try that, email me and ill tell you waht to enable and disable.

see if that helps
Reply:firmware is like tuna.. it has an expiration date.

you could install devhook, but it would only emulate up to 3.11 so its pretty much pointless.

update to 3.52m33.

because you are on an oe firmware, you need to run the m33 creator pack first..

the site where i have posted my firmware guide is down for maintenance, but heres the link:

Need to practice C++ during the summer. Any good, free tutorial websites?

Okay, I took a computer science class in this semester in college and I found it really interesting. The problem is that the instructor wasn't very good. He mainly taught us definitions through power point presentations. We NEVER did any actual coding in class, just in homework that he NEVER graded..

Anyway, I got some of the basics down but I really wanna learn more. I'm a really hands on learner, so I'm looking for a site that teaches basics up to intermediate stuff. A site where I'm shown something, like a multi-dimensional array, explained what it is, given fairly simple programs, that I can test, to show how it's implemented. Teaching through going through the step by step process of creating a simple program would be awesome too. I just don't to have to read a bunch of definitions and be left to figure out how to use the stuff on my own.

I'd prefer a free website, but if you know an amazingly good book or something, I'll gladly go to Border's or somewhere and check it out.

Need to practice C++ during the summer. Any good, free tutorial websites?
Before you get too involved in Storm Sam's suggestions you need to actually learn the C++ language.

Maybe I am old fashioned but I don't find web sites a good way to learn languages. As a reference, yes; for learning not so much.

Assuming you are on a limited (but not non-existent) budget I would suggest the following two books:

(1) "Thinking in C++" is a *free* two volume pdf. It is solid and you can't beat the price. You can get off the web at

(2) Deitel and Deitel's C++ How to Program will teach you well. It is expensive, often somewhat annoying to read, but packed with examples and exercises. If you work your way through it and do the exercises you will have a very solid grasp of the language be among the best C++ programmers at your school by the fall. It comes with source for the examples and some other resources.

Amazing Website i Gave it to u Below, u can Find Whatever u like and u Think.....
Reply:Yeah, sounds like your instructor really screwed you. Here are recommendations for summer reading:

-Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ By Bruno R. Preiss (e-book):

-Accelerated C++: Practical Programming By Example (

This may not be summer reading, but whenever you are ready these are must reads if you are serious about programming:

-Code Complete by Steve McConnell:

-Implementation Patterns by Kent Beck:

Also: practice, practice, practice. Whether it's a simple console application or games, do something you may be interested in. Stay in code! ;)


C Sharp ( C#) help ???

I want to learn C#. I don't know nothing about C#. Please help me. Is there any online tutorial? Which software/editor should I use? Where do I find them? Please suggest me as much as you know.

C Sharp ( C#) help ???
Try from
Reply:F H L here is your link learn, learn;q=C...
Reply:You can get here:

This helpful website lets you find any article (Beginner to Advanced) about programming in most interested languages.
Reply:Do you knoe C or C++. C# is quite similler to this. I can suggest to depend on books rather than a website. You can down load C# compiler from Try it your own. You may try ASP.Net for primary help of codes. Becuse problems like conectivity databinding can be easyly solved in ASP.Net by mouse clicks. And automatically codes appears in *.aspx page

You can learn C# codes from there.

Visual Basic 2005/2008 (VB.NET) OR C#.NET?

I am looking to get into programming. I am proficient with HTML, PHP, and Flash. Which of these languages should I choose, VB.NET OR C#.NET? I need a language with a .NET framework, I will be using Visual Studio as my IDE. I am a beginner and do not know much, but I do have access to video tutorials.

Which of these languages is easier to learn? (VB.NET?)

Which is more flexible and used more often? (C#.NET?)

Which has more demand for and growing?

Thanks for any helpful advice! Happy Holidays!

Visual Basic 2005/2008 (VB.NET) OR C#.NET?
I would consider VB.NET easier to learn because it is more like English, but C# is more like most programming languages in terms of syntax and structure.

You can find plenty of work in either.
Reply:C#. Even Microsoft has stated than many VB programmers are moving to C# (40% last year by one account.)

If you have some experience in Javascript and Flash Actionscript, you will be more comfortable with C#, which has similar syntax.
Reply:definitely C#, I used to be a PHP programmer too, and VB is just too different, I would recommend VB if you used Pascal / Delphi before

Btw... not that it really matter anyway, if u use C#, VS provide tools to convert a C# syntax to VB in no time, vice versa


I want to do socket programming in c for my project.. Plz help...?

My project is to just pass a message from one system to another system in a LAN using sockets in C....i have no basic ideas about sockets and such stuff.. Can some one suggest me any tutorials or bookz that will help me complete my project..?? plz help me....

I want to do socket programming in c for my project.. Plz help...?
Reply:This site has a tutorial on socket programming.

Make a tic tac toe game in c#?

Are there any tutorials or anything in which I can learn to make a tic tac toe game in c# that can tell how to also make strategies?

Make a tic tac toe game in c#?
The Code Project have a good article on this:

Where can I find a full tutorial on how to make a very simple, beginner, game in C++?

I want to learn to make a very simple, easy, game in C++.

Where can I find a full tutorial on how to make a very simple, beginner, game in C++?
A graphical game or a text based game?

I would assume you have quite a bit of knowledge of the C++ language. If it is a text based game, it is pretty simple. You just use conditional statements such as IF ELSE to branch the game along.

Absolute beginner at Visual C#, can someone list books,web pages to help me learn from the beginning! thanks?

I want to learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But microsoft tutorials are not helpful. Is there ANYWHERE that can teach an absolute beginner how to learn C#!!

Thanks HP

Absolute beginner at Visual C#, can someone list books,web pages to help me learn from the beginning! thanks?
here are some books that you can download:

Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Step by Step:;uid=373...

Essential C# 2.0;uid=172...

C# Cookbook, 2nd Edition;uid=912...
Reply:go to your local bookstore and get any book for beginners.

if you do not have any experience in programming get a programming book first.

it has got good n simple tutorials
Reply:try this link

click on "C#" under "languages"


Algorithms and c++ programming help ?

Well, please tell me if anyone knows a tutor who could help me with C++ algorithms, I am in high school need help for an Olympiad. Books and links would be really appreciated, by books I mean, E-books pdf, or any references to online tutorials. A tutor residing in (NewDelhi, Noida) would be a real good help. Currently I am refering to 'How to solve it by RG Dromey'.

Algorithms and c++ programming help ?
Check it out whether this is wat u r searching for:



Reply:Well, I don't know how advanced your C++ curriculum is. But, maybe check out . Besides tutorials, they also have sample code.

And why New Delhi? I know the stereotype is that Indians are good programmers, but I'm sure there's plenty good programmers locally.

How retain the data in a variable in C programming( not C++) after closing the program???

Iam trying to make a information system using C, not C++ but i want to save the changes done when i open my program and close it and when i open again it does'nt go back to the original but the retains the changes done.

Meaning A was originally 1 but when i run the program i changed A into 3 and when i close the program and then open again i want A to be 3 not 1.

Can anyone help cause i cant seem to understand the tutorials in the internet.

tnx :)

How retain the data in a variable in C programming( not C++) after closing the program???
Store the data in a file. When the program starts up, read the values from the file. When the program ends, write the new values to the file.

Suppose you want variables a, b, and c... (double-check my syntax)

FILE *iniFile;

/* Open the file and read in the values */

if ( (iniFile = fopen("mydata.ini","r"))==NULL) {

printf("Unable to open file for read!\n");

exit 1;


/* Read in the values */

if ( fscanf(iniFile, "%d %d %d", %26amp;a, %26amp;b, %26amp;c) != 3 ) {

printf("Error - not enough values on ini file\n");



/* Write out new values -

NOTE: this wipes out previous values */

if ( (iniFile = fopen("mydata.ini","w"))==NULL) {

printf("Unable to open file for write!\n");

exit 1;


/* Write out the values */

if ( ! fprintf(iniFile, "%d %d %d", %26amp;a, %26amp;b, %26amp;c) ) {

printf("Error - unable to write file\n");


Reply:When you close the program just save any variable or change or whatever in an external file (such as a*.cfg file or what you like the most).

How Do I Learn The C Language?

I want to learn how to learn the C language, and how to begin programming, i would like to here about any free online tutorials or any books that are available.

How Do I Learn The C Language?
Reply:take an online course;)
Reply:dont waste your time on e-book .. just purchase C in 21 days .. and it will be the 21 dayz game .. rest is up to you
Reply:Buy the C programming book of McGraw-Hill publication,its gr8 dude u can be a master in C
Reply:Reading alot, or watching stuff on it. Then, from there after learning the syntax list, it's easy. Just apply what you know.
Reply:as one of our frenz said if ur entirely new to programming try go and books like

let us c by yashwant kanetkar --- a gr8 book

Learning C++?

I know the basics, cout %26amp; cin, OOP, pointers, functions and a bunch of stuff, I know lots about programming in text based console apps.

I have bought 2 books, the first going over very basic, and the next a bit more advanced.

I want to be able to program with graphics! How do I do that!

Nothing will tell me! I don't wan to buy any more books, I'm pretty much broke, I'm using Dev-C++ as my compiler, as I can't afford a high quality one.

Someone name a website or place that offers free tutorials that teach you programing with graphics. I don't want something that just shows source code, that is dumb, because you don't know what It means, I want something that will show, and describe to me how to do. Thank you

Learning C++?
for games

but to learn graphics go to

u have to use MFC,WTL,ATL or similar library file provided by others to do graphics

the basic graphic can be done using win32
Reply:Asking for too much to be written here.. visit comp.lang.c++ newsgroup from Google groups. Their FAQ and old threads have answers for your questions. That was a short answer wasn't it? ;)

I hope you have already sen things like CUJ(out of publication now), Dr. Dobb's et al.
Reply:search devshed can't remember but think it's, but it will have a list of languages on the left to choose from. also, devguru and search yahoo for free online books programming, should help you find a bunch of online texts for development.


I want to Learn C programing?

Help me to get the list of all errors in C programming and how to rectify it. I need names of some books for the same too.

Iam using Turboo C as compiler

iam getting lot's of errors

How to debug I would like to Know very good free tutorials pls help me!!!!!!!!!

I want to Learn C programing?
any international edition is good. if u want to learn then practice with it. the more time u spend the more knowledge u gain....... if u stuck with some error. feel free to send it to me, i'll give it a try and let u know.
Reply:Um. I have learnt C, C++ and Java already. Please contact me at coz I wan't to tell personally.

I satyed up all night to google, yahoo, msn and anything else some C programming courses?

I have many tutorials but I hate them so I want some clases that will take place during this summer in Las Vegas, NV! I hate tutorials because I can not understand anything from them! So some classes would be better for me!

I need this classes to be for C programming language (some C++ would be OK but I prefer normal C)

I do not care about the price! I only want it to be in Las Vegas and to be anytime from 10 AM to 6 PM!

I prefer these classes to start in june( arround 10th of june)

Thank You Very Much

I satyed up all night to google, yahoo, msn and anything else some C programming courses?
Learn C Programming from from the Expert !

This is Prince M.Premnath A top rated programming expert from , Ensure it by following the link given below

Im conducting online classes for programming , hope ill do the best for you,

This is my mail ID :

respond me if you wish

Thanks and regards!

Prince M. Premnath
Reply:Here is a jump start on your c programming. Use the free online videos at Berkeley. When you enroll in college you can use this to supplement your classes.

Below is a specific link to one of their many classes online.

C++ for beginners, now what?

I just finished a c++ for beginners book. I know the basics, can build some pretty nice console apps and stuff, but my question is; Where do i go from here? I cant seem to find anything that transistions into windows apps/games and things like that. It seems that all the books/tutorials are all either very beginner or advandced, I feel kinda stuck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

C++ for beginners, now what?
Take a C++ course at a local community college. That's how I learned Java.

Once you're feeling up to it, search the internet for "Design Patterns". You'll find lots of references. Design Patterns are to Object Oriented programming what Data Structures are to Procedural programming.

If you can start to become familiar with Design Patterns, then you're C++ coding will become much better.

Good Luck.
Reply:There r lots of advanced topics..

Smart pointers, templates, COM/DCOM etc..

try VC++ or gcc(4 all platforms other than windows.)
Reply:Get the bloodshed dev-cpp system and download the SDL (graphic/sound/and more) libraries. There is lots of good stuff on the SDL site that you can learn from by example.

Hundreds of SDL-based games/apps/tools/demos are available there, some simple and some quite sophisticated.
Reply:Try to search the internet. There are many tutorials regarding C++, even more on building games.

C#/.NET to Java/J2EE developer? Where do I start?

I'm a ASP.NET developer coding in C# and am interested in getting started with Java and the J2EE platform. Where do I start? Is there a free SDK and framework that I can download and run like there is for .NET? Any good tutorials with examples? I'm looking for techniques and development styles that are new and are widely utilized in today's business.


C#/.NET to Java/J2EE developer? Where do I start?
If you said that you wanted to move from VB.NET to Java, I would say it would be a bit of an effort. However from C# to Java, it is a lot more easier. You will be surprised how similar the syntax of the two languages are.

The sun website is a good place to start learning java. There are a lot of other websites that have good tutorials but it depends what you want to learn.....When you say java, it is pretty vast. There is a lot in java and it will depend on what you are trying to learn.

Example you mentioned you were coding in ASP. NET so I assume you are intrested in web side programming. Java has JSF, JSP, Strurts, Servlets etc. A lot of these are interlinked but like i said it all depends what you want to learn to program in.
Reply:hey have a look at

U will find all tutorials

See this site :


C++ prgramming question...?

k so i waswondering, first of all is C++ the prgram you use to make simple games? liek rpgs ns tuff. and does this look liek a god site to teach me how?

C++ prgramming question...?
Yes, C++ is used in the industry, but it is used for complex 3D games.

if you are interested in game programming, I suggest starting off making games like Pong

there's no way you could make a full RPG without at least 5 years programming experience

or, you could cheat and use RPG maker =]
Reply:It is, though you must have a great amount of knowledge and experience to create complex games. You should go to your local library and pick up a C++ programming book, find one that is for beginners if you are just starting.
Reply:The Programming language you use to make simple games is the programming language you're using. SDL looks more like C than C++. There is some overlap and especially because you do this sort of thing with a library like SDL which is not instrinsically part of the language. If you don't know either C or C++ then I have to say no. Find a more basic tutorial which uses iostream or stdio.h for text-based output, and once you understand program structure jump to SDL. Or allegro.

C++ Library for HTTP access?

Hi, I'm a begginer at C++, and I was wondering if anybody knows of a good easy-to-use library to access a file on a server through http, kind of like how a browser does. Any help will be greatly appreciated, tkz in advance! Tutorials will also be good.

C++ Library for HTTP access?
Start here:

They aren't all networking, but there should be a few good ones.

Where can i download free books on programming on c?

i am learning programming in c and would want to know from which website i could download free tutorials for beginners.

Where can i download free books on programming on c?

excellent tutorial that covers everything you need to get started.
Reply:You can also check free programming ebooks website like .
Reply:You could try the public library. It is likely to have many programming books that are free.

I have to make a big decission! It is Microsoft C# or Linux C! I know just a little bit about c#!?

I know nothing about C!

In the same time I want to catch up with the latest stuff and go with C# but I also want to learn about C in Linux, sockets and a liitle bit of lower level like C(do not give me assembly)

I do not know wich one to start off with first and every single time I decide on something, I try and find tutorials, but I suddenly feel that want to go back to the other one! It is a weird feeling and I also think I got some mental problem ! Please help me with this and do not tell me to look on the other discovered questions!

Could I go with both at the same time since they have a similar syntax?? (not really similar but close)

I have to make a big decission! It is Microsoft C# or Linux C! I know just a little bit about c#!?
I vote for MS C#. I love their new Visual Studio.
Reply:Wow, you are really being pulled in 2 directions here. Coding C on Linux is about as far from C# as you can get. It will probably be in your benefit to learn C very well (especially pointers) and then move onto C++ before really understanding C#. C# may look incredibly simple, and it is, but internally it is very complicated. Fortunately, you rarely have to worry about this complications, but sometimes it will become important, and the average ignorant C# code won't know how or why something is performing as it is. Note that C# can run on Linux too (lookup Mono).
Reply:Learn C# simply because of money. C# programmers can easily make 100,000 a year with just 4 years experience. C programmers are a dime a dozen and average 60-70K a year. C# is quickly becoming the standard in most shops and people are needed. C is old and is not built well and will confuse you when you want to make the jump to C#. C# is highly object-oriented while C is more procedural. That's like asking - should I learn to use an abacus or a calculator... I'd choose calculator any day.
Reply:read these links hope thins help...start with ANSI C then go ahead with c++

happy coding :)

Cheerz, Steven
Reply:You know, if you get the VS C++ Express and VS C# from Microsoft, you can learn both, as far as sockets and networking, those API's are system dependent, basically, the way you make it in Linux is different to the way you do it in Windows, even if you are using plain C.

C# is a proprietary Microsoft language which gives access to the Microsoft .NET framework (basically a big API arranged by namespaces), all Networking API in Windows and Linux can be accessed using C++, all C functions can also be called by C++, only if you use Gnome GUI programming you will have to use C, but I am sure you can always link the libraries to C++.

Bottom line, learn basic C++, learn the basic algorithms as loops, if else, recursion, array and string manipulation, etc.

Once you master the basic algorithms, start learning learning the use of libraries or APIs.

If you understand the principles and logic of algorithms, you can apply the same logic to any language (C, C++, C#, Java, VB, etc), learning the syntax can be a few hours depending on how good and experienced you are.

The hardest part is learning the API, because you have to go through all the functions available and figure out what they do and how to use it, for example, Microsoft has the platform SDK for Windows Programming which is in C or C++, MFC is C++ Windows programming, COM is for Windows and its C++, VB has its own Windows API which are kind of similar to the Platform SDK and .NET, which shares it's namespace in all the .NET languages (C#, VB.NET, Managed C++ and J#)

If you want to take C#, you will still need to learn the logic and algorithms before using the Windows libraries to make GUIs, otherwise you will be a cookie cutter developer.

Go to and get the Visual Studio Express version, they are FREE and come with tutorials.
Reply:Just FYI, C# and C are nothing alike.
Reply:Learn C first. Some may argue "learn C# first, it's easier", but in reality C# is very similar to C++, which is based on C. If you want to be any kind of efficient programmer in C++ or C# you should learn C. Then learning C++ after that is a breeze, and then learn C#, which if you know C++ is really just a matter of slight syntax changes and learning all the .NET System namespace. Also, once you learn the .NET stuff, you give yourself a huge boost into other languages that use the .NET library, such as C++ in .NET, VB.NET, etc.


Does anybody know of any good, free sites that can help me learn C++?

I want to learn the programming language C++, but I can't find any *free* sites that have lessons/tutorials. Please help.

Does anybody know of any good, free sites that can help me learn C++?
log on these web pages:
Reply:To learn it from scratch I suggest get a book and read it. C++ is getting too old, it is better to start C# and download free Visual Studio Express from Microsoft. Also MS MSDN is a great place for learning new language as well.
Reply:I would learn C# instead. Many C++ programmers I know are being retrained in C# because it is the latest and greatest. You can start at LearnVisualStudio.NET and download Visual C# Express for free from microsoft.

Well there really are no free sites for it , but better yet , if you use limewire or emule just search for a string like visual C++ and that should get you a bunch of files and doc for learning C++

What should I learn after I master C++?

I'm a computer engineering student and I'm still trying to master the basics of C++. I just started learning about classes and memory management and arrays. In my book those are the last few topics. There are further topics on online tutorials and such and I plan to move on to Java next.

After I master C++ classes, what is next?

How do you learn how to make GUI in C++?

My other question though is what computer languages should a computer engineer or possible software engineer definatly learn? What are the most popular languages?

should I learn other languages like:

HTML,PHP,Javascript, Perl, Python, Visual Basic,, XML, SQL?

Should a computer engineer know all these?

What should I learn after I master C++?
Well, if you manage to learn C++ properly, you should learn the most useful libraries for it, as C++ is probably the most powerful language available. (Well maybe C is better for drivers..meh).

Here is a list:

Win32 API -Allows you to make GUI using C++ on Windows,

lets you handle processes, threads, user input, make video game cheats..loads of stuff

Winsock - Lets you make networked programs

Direct3D - Lets you make 3D programs.

Fmod - Sound library used by many professional game designers

Various other useful ones like zlib, libpng, etc..

Of course, this depends on what you want to do with your programming. I also suggest you learn Perl, as it's a good language with which to quickly develop small utilities and text handling / administration programs. If you get into web design, you should learn Flash, Javascript, SQL, and PHP.

I advice against learning Java unless you must, since it sucks. (C++ is wayy better, although not as portable.) A computer engineer should know C,MIPS, and x86 assembly. These are relatively low level and are what engineers often have to deal with. (The ones you listed are high level and are used mainly for Web development.) The most popular languages are C/C++, C#, and Java.

C# is also good for rapid development, but the user must have .net framework that might reduce the portability of your programs. I would suggest you learn C# instead of Java because it's portable on all machines with .net installed (Like java needs the Java virtual machine installed) but is much faster and simpler, but just as powerful. Good luck.

Note: Idk where you plan on learning your programming, but I'd like to let you know I have learned all of these except PHP and SQL through the sole use of Google.
Reply:I've been doing Software Engineering for twenty plus years. Here's what I think:

C++ may be the most complex language you'll learn. You will need to learn a lot of the supporting libraries as mentioned by OOP's. PERL, Python and PHP are scripting languages and you can learn them as you need them. I think Java is important to learn, it is a delightful and useful language. The syntax is similar to C++.

The web based languages (HTML, Javascript) are worth learning if you plan to do a lot of internet stuff.

XML is useful and easy. In many situations.

I have to say that once you have C++ under your belt other languages come pretty easy. They all have loops conditions and variables, many support object oriented programming. I have never learned PERL, Python or PHP to any degree, but can figure out how to use them when there is a particular need. I've used all three at one time or another.

Visual Basic is just a shell, so to speak, over the DotNet CLR. So, it is no more useful than Java#, C# or managed C++. And since you will know C++, C# and managed C++ are a matter of learning their DotNet quirks.

Mostly, as a software engineer, you will come to a job and have to learn the application and particular libraries the employer is interested in. So you may have to learn a new language on the fly. But you should understand basic data structures and algorithms. Also math through linear algebra is important. And most importantly, as a software engineer, you need to understand how to solve problems. Then languages are just tools to solve them.

Can I learn C++ in 5 days? and how?

i don't really know C programing, just the very basic. then can i learn C++?i have to learn it in 5 days by myself. so if you know any online tutorials or something what really can help me in this 5 days, please help!:) thanks.

Can I learn C++ in 5 days? and how?
Most of all modern/mildly modern progrmaming/scripting languages are about the same. Their syntax is just different.

If you have a good grasp on programming concepts and theoretical programming then 1, I'd like to applaud for your hard work and effort. And 2, say that since you know pascal then C++ should be pretty easy to learn.

The quickest way that I know is this site:

Just zoom on through there and if you have any questions

about C++ then feel free to E-mail me at

- Hex

also, google "learn C++" that's where I got these links.
Reply:Well, if you know the basic concepts like loops etc. it is easy enough. The actual syntactical part is easy enough. But you knowing C will help you. But, to actually master it, learning isn't enough. You have to practice. Want to pass a test, I hope you can. But you cannot master it in just 5 days.
Reply:It would be difficult but it is not impossible.I found one book quite well written and easy to understand without being verbose.I do not remember the book's name.But it is authored by Robert Lafore.
Reply:Learn it for what reason? To pass a class? Sure, no problem. To be proficient and do a paid job? No, not a chance.
Reply:you can lean it if you work day and night all the time with a good book or site. but even then you will know the become a good programmer or at least a decent one you must go over all kinda problems and try to solve it yourself without guidance or books etc...and this needs i suggest you a good site or bying a book and start studying

Hi. I have a question about xanga......does any1 know any good xanga layout? tutorials plz read the text below

Ok. I know this is a specific question to ask but i was wondering if any1 knew any good xanga layouts tutorials that have layouts similar to this? [if the link doesnt work then plz copy and paste the URL or type it in urself ^___^] again, i wanted to know if there was any good xanga custom module layout tutorials on the layout or something similar to it. Plz help. imma tired of fixing my lays over and over and iver and over and over and over again untill my lays dont look like im jocking T____________T jeez....XDDD.

[you may have already found this similar question but imma asking it again just to make sure that ppl are reading it b/c i really wanna start meh xanga site "%26gt;.%26gt;

Hi. I have a question about xanga......does any1 know any good xanga layout? tutorials plz read the text below

floral centerpieces

C++??????pls help?

Hello, I want to learn c++ at home in this holidays .so, it is useful to my Anyone pls tell me where to downlload this

c++ software.I asked this question two times b4. All r giving the

website names. After entering those websites, there r so many names of compliers ,etc. which I don't know. I am confusing wht to download.Pls give me the direct download link and name of it and also pls give me the site where to download the tutorials of it.


C++??????pls help?
this website has a tutorial...

Programming C# by examples?

I want to learn to make desktop applications. Can anyone recommend a book or tutorials where I can learn from examples?

I don't want a book with C# syntax. I want one with practical examples on how to build GUI and add code to save and open data to a file or use a database.

Programming C# by examples?

and then go to the channels and computers and then look for programming

do i get 10 pts
Reply:I gave alexander good rating But I prefer TJ's answer Report It

Reply:i still got 10 pts so i dont care Report It

Reply:Erik Brown's book "Windows Forms in Action : Second Edition of Windows Forms Programming with C#" is excellent.

"The book is a tutorial, leading the reader through Windows application development using C# and Visual Studio .NET. It illustrates how the classes in the .NET Framework interact in a fully functional application."

The book takes you through the process of building a single, robust application.
Reply:there's these amazing tutorials that i learnt c# in. hope they help you!

Im a c/c++ user, and im stuck to basic programing, i know clases,reference,pointers,ADT'... etc. i cant apply 8

how can i apply it, i mean i cant apply it to make a game, a database, a keylogger, etc. I have no reference and i think im stuck to basic programming.i usually rely to online tutorials but i cant find advance and intermediate topics. I and started to learn Visual c++ but i really dont know how to make a game? where should i start? Does everyone experience this kind of transition from basic to intermediate? thanks a lot..... Ryuuzakiii -aspiring programmer-(-,-)

Im a c/c++ user, and im stuck to basic programing, i know clases,reference,pointers,ADT'... etc. i cant apply 8
To practice swimming, you shouldn't jump right away into the ocean, pal! Try practice in small pools first.

Your first problem is your "view". It is like you know what a riffle is good for, and you know the concept of firing a gun, but in practice, it looks like a normal stick or baton to you.

First try to write short pieces of programs. Oblige yourself to forget the conventional way of programming, and try hard to find the classes and objects related to your short problem. Do it over and over until you feel you cannot do without them. Then the great ideas would come to you by themselves!

Good luck
Reply:want some resources for game programming i have few articles and source code but only in c language i you want it then mail me with subject as "c game" to
Reply:I've been programming for a few years, and I'll tell you right now -- starting a game is a bit more advanced than the beginner/intermediate border.

I'd love to help with whatever your problem may be, but I think you've had some trouble posting it -- I can't exactly say I know what it means to "apply 8". Sorry.

Im a c/c++ user, and im stuck to basic programing, i know clases,reference,pointers,ADT'... etc. i cant apply 8

how can i apply it, i mean i cant apply it to make a game, a database, a keylogger, etc. I have no reference and i think im stuck to basic programming.i usually rely to online tutorials but i cant find advance and intermediate topics. I and started to learn Visual c++ but i really dont know how to make a game? where should i start? Does everyone experience this kind of transition from basic to intermediate? thanks a lot..... Ryuuzakiii -aspiring programmer-(-,-)

Im a c/c++ user, and im stuck to basic programing, i know clases,reference,pointers,ADT'... etc. i cant apply 8
here is a link where you will find C++ and visual C++ game programming resources which includes free tutorials, e-books, on-line training and many other resources.

And don't worry everyone experiences difficulties in starting.

Just follow the link and enjoy :

wedding florist

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A question about c++ and opengl?

I have learned c++ basics but i think i need to know what is a buffer so:

1.I need someone to explain to me what a buffer is and when we use it.

2.I want to start using opengl but i know nothing about it..... I use visual studio 2005 .... Is there anything i need to download before i start using opengl through visual studio?.... I need to

know how to open a new project and how to add the the libraries i need....

Is it a an advanced level to start making programs that have simple graphics... you know, like using buttons instead of writing commands and so on?

After you help me with the previous things, can you recommend a good tutorial to help me understand opengl... if not, is there a book instead of a tutorial?

NOTE: I use visual studio not visual basic.... Online tutorials helps you create opengl projects in visual basic!!


A question about c++ and opengl?
This looks like a good step-by-step tutorial for using OpenGL with visual studio 2005.

A "buffer" is a reserved segment of memory. For example, simply declaring a C++ array allocates a buffer. There are also different types of buffer classes that do different things. Some applications have sophisticated ways of using buffers to optimize performance. You'll need to be more specific in the type of information you're seeking about buffer.

Where do you Enter C++ commands on a PC With Windows Vista?

Take this page for example were do i type // my first c++ program

Where do you Enter C++ commands on a PC With Windows Vista?
The code needs to be written in plain text. Notepad is the most basic editor that comes with Windows, but I highly recommend you do *NOT* use Notepad. Either use an IDE, which is a development environment that provides such an editor, or a dedicated plain text editor. Look up plain text editor in Wikipedia for a big list. Notepad++, Cream for Vim, and PsPad have all been good free choices for me in the past. There's more really good choices though (like EditPad, UltraEdit, etc.).

You also need a compiler. The compiler converts your code into actual executables for the computer. See q=visual+c%2B%2B+express

Edit, I should note that there are more compilers for Windows. Visual C++ is one of them. Another well known compiler is gcc. The windows version is MingW.
Reply:Download Microsoft's latest Visual Studio C++ IDE.

It's free and works great.

I want a tutorial for SSL/TLS coding in c.?

chk out:


Balakumar Muthu

Ebooks for c language?

wheres a good place to get free ebooks that teach about the c language for programming. im new to programming, so any ebooks that give tutorials would be nice.

Ebooks for c language?
ive never yet seen such a %26lt;a href="

"%26gt;FREE MEGA EBOOK DOWNLOAD%26lt;/a%26gt;
Reply:You can also check free programming ebooks website like .
Reply:I enjoyed this one when I started
Reply:The C Book is online at:

Learning GNU C:

Your Public Library may have additional eBooks for temporary downloading.

local florist

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler?

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler, and is the Directx library compatiple with all directx tutorials on the net?

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler?
I don't use Dev-C++, but according to a tutorial, click on the tools menu and click "compiler options", then click the Directories tab. Add directories from the Microsoft Directx SDK to the correct items, such as the include files to the include item and library to the library item.

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler?

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler, and is the Directx library compatiple with all directx tutorials on the net?

How do you link the Directx SDK library to the Dev-C++ compiler?
Double post, go to:;...

Beginner C++ Help?

Hi,I'm new to C++. And I mean literally new, as in I just started yesterday. I've read a few tutorials and learned somethings but I still know basically nothing. I'm making some simple programs to practice and the current one is a random number generator. Here is the code.

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


int a,b,c,d,e,f;

string g,h="a";


a = (rand()%10);

b = (rand()%10);

c = (rand()%10);

d = (rand()%10);

e = (rand()%10);

f = (rand()%10);


cout %26lt;%26lt; a;

cout %26lt;%26lt; b;

cout %26lt;%26lt; c;

cout %26lt;%26lt; d;

cout %26lt;%26lt; e;

cout %26lt;%26lt; f;



cout%26lt;%26lt;"To create a new random number, press a and then enter.";

getline (cin,g);

if (g==h){

goto loop;




Beginner C++ Help?
As Ahmad said, you need to seed the PRNG. srand with time as an argument works well. But I have a few things to say about your code.

The first is your variable names. Please choose more meaningful variable names. You realize they can be more than one letter long right?

Do not use goto and labels. They have their use, but no beginner and most intermediates will encounter such a situation. There are flow control constructs, like for loops, while loops, and do while loops. Use them. Your code could be rewritten to use a do-while loop and two for loops.

There’s something called an array. You should learn it as soon as possible.
Reply:You need to seed the random number generator.

C++ programming?


i have by now finished the basics of c++ programming like header files, functions, structs, pointers and many more....but i have only worked with #include%26lt;iostream.h%26gt; header file and wherever i search on the internet i only get tutorials for this header file... so can you send me any links to some tutorials whee i can go further in learning....and one more question can you give me a complete list of all the header files that all available in microsoft visual c++ 6.0 with their functions may not necessarily here but through a link as well,..Thank you

C++ programming?
Here is a list of header files :-






































































































Enough. For other details visit

Thank You


Or you could try searching in a help file that came along with your C++ compiler. Borland C++ has a built in help file for the C++ language.
Reply:For header files this is the site you may look for

For tutorials in C++

i think his serves ur purpose.
Reply:wait i will search for u

floral deliveries

How to dance easy hip hop moves or i want to learn how to c walk?

I want to learn how to c walk or any other cool hip hop moves , send me tutorials of links and very good specific ones and i mostly want to learn how to c walk and I've looked everywhere and if you know how can you tell me what moves you do first , second , third , fourth , like all that and specific on how to do it. Thanks a lot for reading this question and commenting :D

How to dance easy hip hop moves or i want to learn how to c walk?
the simplest way to learn how to cwalk is off tutorials off youtube. however, cwalking isnt about learning a ton of moves but its you making up your own. so most tutorials you find will teach you the basics with a few examples of variations and combos.

I suggest you start off with Kyren's tutorials on youtube. There is no specific order in learning how to cwalk, but most people learn the V, shuffle, and then heel toe.

also, feel free to join, the biggest community for cwalking and where all the best walkers are.
Reply:the standard cwalk that we all talk about is 'clown walking' the dance, which was based off the crip's crip walk. Report It

Reply:Believe it or not but you can learn dance moves from Fit TV All Star Workout.
Reply:Do on search for some hip-hop dance classes in your area. We have a few of them around here and they are awesome.

Where can i learn c# and visual C#?

i am a begginer in programming and have no knowledge in programming languages .i have tried many tutorials online also microsofts official videos and tutorials but all of them seem to be for some one who already has learnt c++ or c

if you know a bettr way then answer this question if you answer this question just for points ill delete it

Where can i learn c# and visual C#?
If you are a beginner programmer, I would not recommend any of the C family languaes (C, C++, C#). They are a little too advanced for you. Try learning HTML and javascript first, or Visual Basic before going to C#; this way, you'll have some programming knowledge before you start on the more complex programming languages.
Reply:Go to MSDN and get a copy of Visual C# express

Then go find a book, some of the Sam's "Teach yourself..." books are a good starting point.
Reply:MSDN at has a lot of programming info on C# for all skill levels. The best place though would be to get a beginner's book for C#.
Reply:try this link

just copy and paste this link.
Reply:Take class at the college.
Reply:Maybe this?

"Virtaul" C++ subroutines?

Can someone please explain what the heck "virtual" means when placed in front of a C++ subroutine definitions. I read an online tutorial, bust it just doesn't make sense!

"Virtaul" C++ subroutines?
It means that the declaration of that function is missing. It should be defined by the child objects.

For example if you have a class called geometricobject you can put a virtual function called ComputeArea() withouth writing any code to it. When you define some child classes like triangle or square you need to write specific functions CumputeArea that compute the area.

PS: I think it's called virtual.
Reply:This explanation misses the point that you can pass a child

class to any method expecting a "geometricobject", and the

child's version of "ComputeArea()" will be called. Without

virtual functions, the **parent's** method would be called.

This is what distinguishes virtual from non-virtual. Report It

Reply:There's an excellent description and illustration-by-example

in the wikipedia entry, so please take a look at ref #1.

I'd like to take a shot at a more informal description.

Consider that you define a class called "shape" with a

"print()" method. You might derive a class from it called

"triangle", which would *also* define a "print()" method.

If you declare a "shape" object and call its "print()"

method, you'll get the shape version of print. But what

if you have a pointer to a "triangle" object, and then

assign it to "pointer to shape"? If you call the "print()"

method from that new pointer, the compiler will presume

that it is a "shape". The issue is that at *compile*

time, the type of the object was determined by the type

of the pointer, and that determines the method which

is called.

A virtual function, however, is determined at *run* time.

If the compiler is calling a method from a pointer to

"shape", it knows that it *might* be a "shape", or it

might be a "triangle" (or "square" or "circle" or whatever).

Instead of directly calling the method for type "shape",

it calls through a pointer which is set at runtime when

the object is created.

The reason for this is that you'd like to create a

polymorphic data structure which could hold *any*

subtype of "shape", but have the right thing happen

when each method is called.

So my summary is that "regular" methods are called

based on a compile-time type determination, whereas

"virtual" methods are called based on a run-time

type determination (ie. through a run-time pointer).

Do look at the wikipedia reference.

Sockets in c language?

This is my school assignment and I am NOT asking for the code but I would really appreciate if you people can tell me where can i find good tutorials/lessons regarding the following.

I have to write "an Internet page grabber program in C programming language. so if I specify a URL at command line, my C program connects and downloads a web-page."

I have already done it in JAVA, but it seems like that socket programming is a pain in the neck in C. Please dont send me the exact code, because I want to learn, just tell me the links for tutorials.

Thank you.

Sockets in c language?
I've the same problem with you when moving from Java socket to C socket. It's a bit of the pain, but check the below link, i think it's pretty good tutorial. And yes if you using Linux or Unix, man page is pretty helpful as well.
Reply:go ahead and learn about cscoket library

buy flowers

Can anyone recommend any DirectX tutorials that are really easy to follow?

I have a basic knowledge of C++, but I am getting sick of not even being able to draw a coloured line on the screen. Most of the DirectX tutorials I have found are really fast-paced and difficult to understand. I would prefer a tutorial that may take a long time to complete but is easy to follow.

Can anyone recommend any DirectX tutorials that are really easy to follow?
search or

Would anybody know of any good assembly tutorials?

Hi, my names is Eddie and i am currently in year 12. I have an interest for programming. So fare i'v been learning C++ and want to extend my knowledge. Would anybody know of any good assembly tutorials on the net. what assembler is compatiple with the X86 and is easy and free to use. If anybody has a softcopy they could email me, eg a ebook that would be great.

Would anybody know of any good assembly tutorials?
Hello Eddie,

Take a look at

Hope it useful

C++ software?

ok so i know basic c++ and now i wanna work up to building software. i wanna start building software that doesn't use the command prompt style interface.

and wen i say basic c++, i mean i completed a online tutorial with multiple programs that were a step above beginner

C++ software?
Alright, so, here's the issue. It's the new age of programming. GUI development should be done with a GUI. :)

Get the Visual Studio demo. It's worth the expense. Or, you could use something like SharpDevelop, which is great if you don't want to pay for VS, and you still want drag-and-drop GUI design. (But I don't know if it does C++ natively.) Take into consideration, even for Windows applications, the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for your design.
Reply:Visual C++ Express edition is Microsoft's IDE. It's pretty nice, and fairly well featured. The help is really good to. If you are looking to build Form (windows) based programs, it is worth looking into. Also, if your aim is building for PC's I'd take a look at C#, there are a lot of similarities in syntax, but C# is a whole lot easier to work in. There is also one called Dev Bloodshed C++, but it's primitive compared to MS's.
Reply:The most important thing is avoid the in record time/in 24 hours books. That was a big mistake on my part. They encourage you to not learn the code, rather cut and paste. If you are serious about learning it, take the painfully slow route. As far as compilers, Bloodshed's Dev-c++ has gotten me through several years of c++. However a few times, I had to resort to visual studio express 2008. Its not that bad. When i started on GUI code, we used MFCs. Those are much easier to use, but I have yet to find a way to support them.
Reply:I do that in C++ using the Win32 API. My most valuable resource for that was Dev C++ should already come with Windows.h , which should be enough. But if it isnt, you can get Visual Studio 2005 Express for free and download the Windows Platform SDK. (Just these up on google).
Reply:you can surely get help from an programmer. you have to only to do post your project here and many programmer help you for do this.

best of luck.
Reply:When it comes to developing applications with interfaces, might want to have a look at C#.NET. It is VERY EASY to use, and it's syntax is very similar to C++.

Where do I find info about HC08 programming in C?

A tutorial about programming HC08 microcontrollers in C or C+

Where do I find info about HC08 programming in C?


How I can format my p.c .Please somebody give me a tutorial for a less experience computer user like me?

Formatting is no joke...........high chance of you screwing up. If u still wanna format then back up all the imp data on your comp. Make sure you have the following :


2)All the drivers reqd for your comp

3)Set-up of all the softwares that u require.

If your hard disk is partioned and u wanna format the partion in which your OS is NOT installed then simply open My computer and right clik on the partion u wanna format and clik on "Format". Select QUICK FORMAT and press start.

If you wanna format the entire Hard disk or the partion in which the OS is installed the do the following:

1)Restart your comp and while it restarts keep pressing "DEL" to enter the BIOS setup of your comp. The button is generally "DEL" but it may differ for some PCs.

2)In the BIOS setup goto the "Boot" tab and change the Boot Priority. Give CD-ROM the highest priority. Save and exit.

3)Insert the BOOTABLE Windows CD in your CD-ROM and restart the comp.........hit any key when prompted.

4)The remaining instructions will be shown on the screen.

5)Once you are done restore your boot priority to hard disk again.

How I can format my p.c .Please somebody give me a tutorial for a less experience computer user like me?
this u got to learn the hard way if u never seen it done before or done it ur going to have a problem i would not recommend u to do it urself u might mess it up more like 90 percent chance that u will mess it up id recommend u invite a friend that know that stuff
Reply:you need to put your windows disk in your computer and when it start up you will see boot from win hit any key hit the key and let it run and follow the set by set to format it